What is C+?
The C+ is known as the base for the development of the object oriented programming.C++ i.e is known as object oriented language is generated from the C+.
C# is a C like language made by MS to try and suit their own needs and make writing applications for Windows and other MS products more easy.
Feel free to ask for more specific details, I use all three of these at work on different things.
C was written in the 70's for OS development and became very popular, and still is. C+ doesn't exist. C++ is a play on the ++ operator that exists in C, and is meant to provide additional, higher level features to the C language. (It's floated a bit from this; it's no longer perfectly backwards compatible as it was in the start. Still very similar though.) Mostly it's used when you want to use C, but also want to write object-oriented code and/or use templates which can be amazingly useful.
C+ isn't a programming language.
C came first, then C++. These two languages have built an enormous portion of modern software and they've been around for a while. Programmers using them have an enormous amount of control over the computer. Though as they say "with great power comes great responsibility", it's extremely easy to cause yourself big problems using C or C++ if you're making a larger program and you're not that experienced with them.
C++ was early on described as "C with classes". Classes being a reference to "object oriented program" (search ELI5 for great explanations of that). It's more likely than not if you are using a computer program you're using something built on top of C or C++. The "++" in programming often mans increment, or "make this thing one larger than it is". C++ therefore means "C but a little better"
C# is a more modern language. It is easier to make modern looking useful programs quickly than C or C++ and some technical details are handled at a lower level for you. It does look similar to C++ but it is built completely around the idea of "object oriented programming", instead of it being an added on feature like with C++.
They are all different programming languages. C+ doesn't exist.
C++ and C# are named after C because they have similar syntax to C. C is a subset of C++.
For all intents, the 3 languages are all different from each other.
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